About Me

Hi, my name is Larry and I’m glad you stopped by.Larry

I have worked in the Information Technology industry for many years (about 40 if my memory is still working).  There was no such thing as a personal computer or the Internet back then.  I had the privilege of watching a new technology industry be born and progress at a phenomenal rate.

Having worked in the business most of my life, I was no stranger to technological advances and marvelous new devices.  But there are many people my age and older that do not understand today’s technology and are even a little frightened of it.  It is one of my missions in life to help ease that anxiety and allow those people to embrace the technology rather than avoid it.

One of the people I would like to help is my own mother, who lives in a different state than me and my family.  We would all dearly love to get together more often but time and money always seem to work against us.  If I can get her to understand and use a tablet computer, which is one of the easier gadgets to use these days, to have video chats with us, a major part of my mission will be complete.

Again, thank you for taking the time to visit and I wish you and your loved ones all the best.  Feel free to leave comments and feedback or email me directly.




    • Thanks for the well-wishes, Eileen. Sadly, I discovered that the assisted living facility my mom resides at does not currently have Wi-Fi capability, but may have sometime in the next 12 months. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  1. Hello, Larry. I enjoyed reading your About Me page. Very nice to be able to see the advancement in technology, which has many improvements over the years. Nice work, Larry. Take care.

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